
Should be sleeping...

It has been a couple days since I blogged, and I am writing to write one everyday, but with Liam and figuring out school stuff, my time gets all busy! So even though I should be in bed right now, I wanted to share how my weekend and day was :)
Weekend was great, Herman and I had a wedding to go to on Saturday. His cousin Marty got married to his long time girlfriend, Christa. And did she ever make a beautiful bride. Dress, Hair, Shoes, everything, perfect! Only sad part, is I didn't get to take any pictures. We left, and went to the hotel to wait for them, and did not know if they were still in public garden or go else where to take photos, so I missed out. To make the night a bit better, I ended up catching the bouquet, and Herman caught the garter :) Looks like a wedding in the near future?
Other news, Shauna and I planned our birthday event today! Party Bus to celebrate our "champange" birthdays :) Will definitely be a good time, having all our closet friends around.
Well, I am off to bed.. Got an early day tomorrow! & I'll end it with a couple photos!

All comments welcomed. I need some feedback to know how I am doing!


Sunny Dayss :)

I will start by saying, today is such a beautiful day after all that rain we have been having. It is quite hot, but i am not one to complain seeing in how i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee heat :) Gotta enjoy it while we get in here on the east side, since it doesn't come too often. I have been outside walking, to back inside by the fan, to back outside to play in the pool with Liam, so we are both enjoying this warm weather!
Since it is such a beautiful day, my sister is going join me for a photoshoot at a near by lake to help me gain some experience :) Better get there so i can enjoy all this natural light :)

Happy Thursday & Enjoy this Sun:)

And of course, I gotta end this with a photo, and it is of my beautiful baby boy Liam :) Isn't he the cutest!


oooh the rain!

Sundays are always such boring days. Even more boring when its raining. I think i tired to find everything possible thing to do this sunday, to avoid cleaning, and did it work? Nope. I went to the grocery store, walmart, took Liam for multiple walks, and still.. it felt only 15 minues went by. On one of my outings, I decided to go to a near by park, and take some photos. Of all my years in sackville, I don't think i have been too the park when nobody is there. Not even someone walking through. It was peaceful. :) Here is a photos from my visit!

Enjoy :)


1st post :)

So.. My wonderful and fab friend, Christine gave me the idea (and the fact that I have been following Jasmine Stars blog for almost 3 years now) to start my own blog and show of some work I have been doing :) I will try and add a blog a day and a couple pictures each day, just too keep things interesting and it all flowing. Lets just hope Liam give me a 15 minutes break so I can :)


Here is a picture I took the other night at Public Gardens with Christine :)